Effective Closing Techniques - Turning No into YES!
The Effective Closing Techniques Series focuses on how to handle NO's. Specifically, how to handle barriers, blockers and indecision. Lisa specifically deals with how to re-frame indecision and turn it into a solid sale.
What’s in this series:
What NO Really Means
Showing Why NO is Bad for Their Business
Rebuttals & Price Objections
Going from NO to GO
Role Playing
Follow-up Techniques
Practice & Coaching
This video shows Grant Cardone (an amazing sales guy) turning a NO into a YES. While the caller clearly knows who Grant is and is at first a "fan boy" when it comes down to it, the caller still does not want to pay the price. However, watch how Grant quickly turns the callers perspective into one that justifies the price to be paid. This is an excellent example of how to use logic to close a sale. Grant's style may not be yours, but there is always something to learn from the best of the best.